Wednesday 20 June 2012

Third time's a charm...

Hi all...this is another restart of the blog. There are reasons, (plus the blog's changed names to match our changing plans!!) but I'm hoping to get better at my's hoping.

So. Here's the plan.

J and I have been married for just over 4 years. Now is the most settled we've been - we have a gorgeous home, we're slowly stabilising life and income and career (also I'm now thirty *cough*) so it's time to look at a family. Well, continue looking at a family. J and I have looked into and explored a few avenues including the process of creating a baby through a fertility clinic, and it all comes down to £££ and the fact that we just don't have enough of them for treatment. Treatment that isn't guaranteed to work.

Which has lead us down the route of adoption. It's a long and uncertain process but the hugest factor is that it doesn't cost a fortune, and there's also the fact that we can give a good life to a child that otherwise may not have that chance.

So that's where we are. We've been invited to an information evening at the beginning of July, and before then we have a reading list of books to look at (which I'll write something about once I've read them!)  This is the start of a long process, so the chance to write about the process should be interesting.

And so it begins...

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